I've been hearing a big buzz about the magic paint for the determined to get it done myself, but impatient people like me. I've always opted to use acrylic paints for my paintings for the simple reasons that my headaches can be easily triggered by strong smells and the second is I don't like to waste time, therefore I will certainly not wait for weeks for something to dry up before I finish it off.
People have been talking about this paint you can use to paint your piece of furniture in one day and that's it. I was like, what on earth? How come I've never seen this baby? So I went over to anniesloan.com. I figured there is no way so many people are praising a non existent item.
I looked for a stockist in my area and I came across a sweet lady Claire Chalkley of lescouronnessauvages.com. She's not the closest to my area, but she's the only one who answered the phone on that day (as I've said, I'm not very patient)
I'm not though, a very skeptical person so I did not beat around the bush asking too many questions to fill my curiosity. I wasn't going to take her word anyway I had to get the paint and let it sing to me, just as art sings to me.
I've received my first order of Old ochre, Pure White and Olive. Still on the way is Aubusson Blue and the "Quick and easy paint Transformations" book by Annie herself, which I plan on using to redo my blue themed toilet. Pity France is determined to keep toilets a tiny insignificant room.
In any-case, I have this beautiful piece of furniture that was given to me by a friend:
I have already painted the top white since I was not particularly a fan of the marble stone which looked somewhat like this:
Not that I hate marble or anything, but this certainly was not the place for it, at least not to me.I will be heading off to my favorite place in the whole world the "Troc" meaning a second hand furniture shop, to find myself a little cute mirror to match up.I have just the perfect painting to go with it all.Humm I have a long week ahead of me. So please bare with me as I work this baby.
thnx for dropping by